On this website you find an explanation of every setting you can change in the EarthTiles.
Folder and path settings

Path to scripts folder
This is simple the path to the folder, where the exe files, the QGIS project folder and the worldpainter script are located. In most cases, you don’t need to change this.
Path to “wpscript.exe”
This is the path to the wpscript application that is installed with WorldPainter. When you do a standard installation, it should be located in “C:\Program Files\WorldPainter\wpscript.exe”.
Path to “QGIS install folder”
This is the path to the QGIS application (main folder). When you do a standard installation, it should be located in “C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.16”.
Path to “magick.exe”
This is the path to the Image Magic application. When you do a standard installation, it should be located in “C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.10-Q16\magick.exe”.
Path to “*.pbf” File
The path to the pbf file. Most likely in your Downloads folder. You can get these files from Geofabrik or you can even use the whole planet osm data from here: https://planet.openstreetmap.org/ (Use the “Latest Weekly Planet PBF File”).
Export folder
This is the folder, where the completed map will be available at the end of the generation process.
If some of these programs are missing on your computer, take a look here: Installation.
Export settings

Blocks per Tile
The size of the world export of WorldPainter for each Tile. Ranges from 512 to 20480. This value is mainly responsible for the scale of your map. Higher values, like 10240 or more will use a lot of RAM and should be used with caution.
Dagrees per Tile
The number of dagrees longitude and latitude that is used for each Tile. Larger Dagrees per Tile usually tooks longer and need more disk space per Tile.
Vertical Scale
You can change the vertical scale independently from the horizontal scale. You should always use a smaller scale here. For example, on a 1:100 scale map, use a vertical scale of 1:50 or 1:25.
Using a “Dagrees per Tile” settings above 1, you can only use 1:200, 1:100 or 1:50. Smaller scales will be automatically corrected to 1:50. Why? 1:50 is the smalles scale that fits in the 256 blocks range of Minecraft!
Map Format
Select your Minecraft version. At the moment, you can select between 1.12, 1.16 and 1.17.
World name
Should be self-explaining. This is the name of your world folder. The ingame name (in the saves list in Minecraft) is always the Tile you spawn in.
Terrain Mapping
You can create a custom Terrain Mapping. The satellite images are reduced to ~20 different colors, which represent the terrain. At the moment, there is a “Standard” and “Custom” option, so you can change the color values of the custom.png image inside “wpscript\terrain” and in the WorldPainter script. This way, you can make the world a little bit greener of even add blocks for future Minecraft versions.
Terrain Source
You can chose between different satellite images. Arcgis, Google and Bing requires a permanent internet connection. You can also chose the Offline Terrain (the high res requires the addon), if you have any trouble with the online images.
Map Offset
You can shift the entire map by 360° east or west to create maps with a complete pacific ocean (for example).
Vanilla Generation
Only works for 1.16 and only for scales of 1:750 or smaller.
You need a fabric server and this modified version of the “Image World Generator”: https://github.com/MattiBorchers/ImageWorldGenerator
Currently no help or support, because it is really buggy. I use this method to create maps with structures.
Map features

Heightmap Error Correction
The 30m heightmap source has some missing spots that will be filled with an custom algorithm. Not working when you are using a high “Dagrees per Tile” value, because this uses a less accurate heightmap source.
Whether you use the bathymetry addon or not.
You can select if rivers (and other water bodies) should be generated and you can select the size:
– small: 1-2 pixel wide
– medium: 5-7 pixel wide
– large: 12-15 pixel wide
– major: only large rivers in real life. Useful for really large scales, like 1:1000 and more
The smaller parts of rivers, most likely at the source of the river. Should only be used on very large scales and is completly deactivated at scales smaller then 1:100.
Select the year of the borders, or disable them completely.
Areas of cities and villages are generated with cobblestone instead of the satellite image terrain.
2 stonebricks wide path.
2 path block wide path.
Small streets
1 path block wide path.
Wheat at different states.
Dense 1 block and 2 block height grass.
Stone with a lot of ores visible from ground.
End-Portals are placed at positions of real life airports with the official 3-character code by IATA. This way, small “hobby” airports are not used for generation. At scales of 1:100 and smaller, real life locations of rocket launchpad are used.
Random Mob-Spawners
Elder Guardians and Guardians spawn in these random mob spawners in the sea.
Random Animal-Spawners
Some mobs only spawn in special biomes, that are not everytime part of the final map, for example when creating small countries. To make it survival friendly, small mob spawner rooms with random mob spawners will generate underground.
Map generation

pbf from Geofabrik or planet.osm.pbf
When you only want to create a few Tiles, you can deselect this checkbox and the osm data will be downloaded from the Overpass-API. This will reduce your network traffic, but the Overpass-API has a lot of limitations.
If the overpass-API creates some errors or you want to create large ares (for example with a high “Dagrees per Tile” value, always use a pbf file.
Proxy Server
When you are using this program in a not-private network, for example at your university or school, you can enter a proxy server. When using this software at home, you can leave this blank.
Number of parallel generations
Select how many Tiles should be generated at once. Should be the number of your CPU cores.
Allow parallel WorldPainter generation
Due to a large requirement on RAM, you can disable parallel WorldPainter generations.
Show cmd promt during generation
Hide or show the cmd promts for each batch file while the map is generated.
Continue, even if a single Tile fails
Pretty self explaining. When de-selected, the generation will be stopped when a single Tile fails.