You can select from different sources to get the terrain for your map. I added multiple options because not all are available in every country.
There are 5 options in total, 3 XYZ-Tiles, which will need an active internet connection and 2 offline variants.
Arcgis (standard)
The default option is ESRI satellite imagery published by Arcgis.

You can also select Google satellite images

Bing Arial
The third online option is the Bing Arial imagery.

Offline Terrain (high resolution)
For this terrain you need the “Custom QGIS offline terrain add-on“. Check out the INSTALLATION page.
This terrain has a accuracy of 250m.

Offline Terrain (low resolution)
Another option is the standard offline terrain that is build in the QGIS project. It has a resolution of just 2500m and will always be used on scales smaler then 1:6000.